New Year Resolution & Nudge

New Year Resolution & Nudge

The turning of the calendar is always a great time to form good habits and bring about some meaningful changes to your life. While adults are big on New Year’s resolutions, at NFK we believe resolutions are an effective nudge that can bring about positive changes to your child’s personality, behavior and lifestyle as well. From eating right to fighting peer pressure, inculcating human values and learning new life skills, New Year’s resolutions can be a fantastic learning experience for your child and family. And while setting and fulfilling resolutions is one part of it, the goal-setting process is also of utmost importance when it comes to your child. Here’s how you can start:

Step 1 – Let Your Child Decide

As parents we are always trying to change things and make important decisions for children. This new year don’t  tell but ask your child to decide and make a list of new year resolutions based on the positive changes they would like to see in themselves.  It’s never too early to facilitate children to become strong decision makers and this is a good place to start. 

Step 2Plan Well

Help your child understand the importance and impact of resolutions. There are always plenty of age-appropriate targets that children can set for themselves to build skills and habits which will serve them well as adults. Also ask him/her to start small and then get ambitious with their list as being unrealistic with goals can be a recipe for disappointment and disaster. Suggest that he/she begins with smaller targets such as waking up early or learning a new hobby that they’ve always wanted to learn. The bigger goals such as achieving higher scores at school can be committed to the latter part of the calendar year. 

Step 3 – Create Reminders

Refrain from nagging your child even when you can see him/her not working on their resolutions. Instead create gentle reminders to guide and help them track their own progress through the year. It could be a fun chart on their softboard or a bundle of encouraging cue cards – Work in Progress, Almost there, it’s a Goal! – That you can reward them with, as they go through each resolution. As a parent you need to ensure that they remain enthusiastic about their resolutions and keep them constantly motivated to cross the finish line. 

Step 4 – Reward & Incentivize 

As a parent you may believe that certain resolutions are extremely relevant and critical to your child’s growth and well being. It could be eating more greens, putting in higher number of study hours or helping with more complex household chores. Decide and choose two or three such important resolutions and reward him/her when they are complete. The idea is to let your child know that you are observing them and at the same time encouraging them to keep going even when things get tough and what better way than a reward to do so. 

So this New Year let your child resolves to make a change and cheer him along to become a better version of himself. 

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