To promote general health and wellness by enabling visual choice architecture that encourages, invites, and enhances the experience for the children with regular hand washing enabling cognitive learning skills.
Brief: In this proof-of-concept study, we were asked to develop an inexpensive and cost effective set of nudges to encourage hand washing after toilet use across five primary schools in Jaipur, India to be then plotted to about 50 to 100 and more Nand Ghar across the country.
Process:While traditional approaches to hand washing behavior change are both time and labour intensive our messages typically focussed on feel-oral transmission and the recognition of health risks associated with germs.
Solution:We implemented 3 Nudges which also act as independent solutions. The dirty hands’ visuals ignite a dialogue in the child’s mind showing that their hands are dirty while they are in the toilet and what would be the next step. The colorful foot prints directionally encourage them towards the basin area. The following visual behind the doors and stepping out the colorful footprints motivates them towards the wash basin area.
A beautiful illustration of germs in the wash basin makes them not dislike but creates a dialogue through colors. The happy hands encourages, smiles and a way of applause of completing the tas