09 Aug Let’s plan our summer with this Bucket List! Activity based NUDGE!
Amnah our summer intern was motivated while interning for us and with her explorations, readings and inputs have tried to creatively design an experimental based nudge for parents. Under the guidance of Niyati Mehta.
Let your kids plan their own summer this year with this simple activity. All you need is some colored notecards, a pen, and a jar.
Sit with your kids and ask them to write 10 (or more) activities they want to do this summer on separate note cards. The activity can be as simple as “walk the dog” and slightly more complex like “go kayaking.” It is very important to make sure the activities are all doable. Once they have written the ideas fold the notecards and drop them into jar.
This serves to be a nudge if you keep the jar on your breakfast table. Your child will be excited to pick out a notecard to see what activity they get that morning. You can then plan the activity during breakfast and go ahead and do it during the day. It is very important to keep your kids active and outdoors during the summer, instead of allowing them to be lazy and choose the TV as their activity for the day.