“GLAD YOU MADE IT” your children will love to start their day.

“GLAD YOU MADE IT” your children will love to start their day.

by Niyati Mehta assisted by Amnah Ahmed (Intern)

Mornings are so hectic! You have to get the kids ready, make sure they have everything for school, make their lunches… oh and feed them! This last part is the easiest one to push aside. It’s so easy to give them milk and cookies, cereal, or some toast and spread to hold them until lunch. This is the biggest mistake parents make.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and the solution to the problem of preparing breakfast is very simple: MEAL PREP! Having all your food prepared: ready to eat or simple to whip up in the morning is the best way to nudge your family to eat healthy in the morning. Spending time, exchange quick thoughts, building warm, loving but quick rush mornings at break tables.

To nudge your family to eat healthier, place your meal prepped food in ziplocks or sealed containers and label them “BREAKFAST.” As everyone rushes in the morning they will see these labelled containers, take them out on a plate, and eat healthier!

Here are two ideas for making smoothies:

First thing: prepare all the fruits and veg for your smoothie (wash, cut, etc)

  1. Prepare smoothie packs- in a ziplock bag or jar prepare all the ingredients you need for the smoothie (except the one wet ingredient you add on top) and freeze.
  2. Prepare muffin tins- freeze ALL the ingredients in a muffin tin.

All you have to do now is blend the ingredients in the morning and voila! your smoothie is ready.



Prepare your smoothie packs or tins (without using liquids)

  1. Keep aside toppings, separating wet and dry in different containers.
  2. In the morning, blend the smoothie and pour into a bowl. Add your topping and serve!

      Some recipes: http://bzfd.it/2buH3PA

Something savoury! You can prepare breakfast burritos upto 4 days in advance and freeze Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lv85SBIPnP0
Having your meals prepared for easy access to eat will nudge you and your child to eat healthier and avoid eating the easy access unhealthier foods available at work and at school.