08 Sep Getting organized for back to school…..creatively designed nudge for the kids
Summer is coming to an end – are you ready for one more academic year? Before it starts, parents an do one creative project and build this with their child which will involve and motivate your children. Believe me this works as it is tried. A creative crafted nudge!
Getting into a new school year requires so much organization!
You need to get so many important tasks done.
-vaccinations for your kids
-buy their school books and uniforms
-complete all the necessary paperwork to name a few tasks
A modified and more creative version to a reminder on your phone is the “Reminders Wall Art.”
All you have to do is hang a string or ribbon down a wall or door, then use clips to hang reminders of what you have to do on colored paper. Once you have completed the task, you and your kids can make small origami art using the same paper and clip that back on.
You now have pretty homemade art! You can see all the tasks you have completed and what you have left to do! Make sure you hang the string in a visible place, or you can hang multiple of these “Origami to-do lists” around the house where they will be most effective.