
By Niyati Mehta Your child’s adult life may be several years or a few months away,but is always a good idea to start preparing them for the real world. There is no right time to do this. There is, however, a right way to gently push them – a Nudge minus the sludge (pain). Doing jobs for them is an exhausting cycle, and this helicopter parenting technique makes children feel less competent and confident in the long run. Whether your child is off to camp this summer or preparing to attend university soon, hereare some simple nudge interventions you can use to encourage independence in children across various ages – from toddlers to young adults:
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To enable our children to get the most out of every day, staying hydrated is therefore very important. Children are particularly at risk of becoming dehydrated because a child's body is less effective at perspiring and produces more heat during physical exertion.

 How do you know if your child is hydrated?

Mom comes first! by Niyati Mehta As a parent of two children, a wife, a nudge behavioral designer and professor, I’ve had years of experience being a “do-it-all” mom, putting myself and my needs last. I was a mom to young children in an era before mental health and wellness were openly discussed online and in living rooms. An era where conversations around motherhood were limited to the mental and physical well-being of the child. We thought to allow ourselves to be sucked dry emotionally, mentally and physically was all part of the motherhood experience.
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